Sunday, November 06, 2005

How Far Gone Is Jessica Simpson's Marriage?

The marriage of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lache was turned into a reality show for it's first two years. I reserve judgment over whether the marriage was a huge mistake, but the show definitely was.

Back in April a source refers to the effect the cameras had on the relationship:
“Jessica said there were fights that went unresolved,” reveals a source close to her, “probably because producers felt it wouldn’t be good television to show a newlywed couple fighting all the time.” Adds the insider, “Jessica said there have been few times they’ve really gotten to see any disagreement to the end because of the cameras.”

Micromanager Dad Joe Simpson is said to have gotten the couple some private 'Christian' Marriage counseling.

Now they have spent their third wedding anniversary apart and leave it to Dad to deny that there is trouble.



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